Initiate a Sale or Refund
This article covers both sale and refund transactions
Initializing the Reader for Charging
When you're ready to charge a customer, you should create an In-Store Context by requesting a charge from a card reader. In this step, your application will specify, at minimum, the readerId
, merchantAccountId
and transaction.amount
details to initialize the reader for payment acceptance. Note that the merchantAccountId
is not validated against in the Sandbox environment; however, this is a required value in the production environment for all interactions with the card reader.
Charging is similar to authorizing, except that if the authorization is successful, Braintree will automatically capture the transaction. This is also known as creating a Sale Transaction.
To provide idempotency on the request charge mutation, you must also include the HTTP header Idempotency-Key
with a unique value. UUIDv4 is recommended. For example, if using curl
to make the request, you would include
Using Idempotency-Key
is an important way of preventing duplicate charges to your customer in the event of an API communication failure. For example, if you request a charge from the reader, the customer completes the charge on the reader, but for some reason, the POS does not get back the transaction result before timing out. In this scenario, the POS could recover the original transaction using the same Idempotency-Key
without accidentally creating a duplicate charge.
Checking the Reader Charge Status
After the reader is initialized for payment, your application must wait for the customer to interact with it (i.e. insert a test card) and for the payment attempt to be processed. Your application should use the node query to poll on a 2-second interval between responses for the current status of the payment using the
received at charge initialization and monitor the RequestChargeInStoreContext.status
field as the transaction goes through the lifecycle.
When the RequestChargeInStoreContext.status
changes to "COMPLETE", you will also receive a transaction object RequestChargeInStoreContext.transaction
in the response. Save the completed
in your database for referencing the transaction in subsequent operations.
All successful test transactions should have a transaction amount value below $2,000 for testing. For more info on using amounts to simulate various transaction outcomes, look at Testing Your Integration.
Testing the Unhappy Paths in Sandbox:
Charge Flow Example Sequence Diagram
The following high-level sequence diagram depicts an example charge flow; however, this flow can vary depending on whether you are vaulting, and polling logic may also vary by application. This is just an example flow.
Recommended Timeout Logic
Knowing that every application will have different flows and architectural constraints the following recommended timeout logic is just a suggestion based on best practices, but every integration may be different.
Generally, the card reader has a built-in timeout logic of 180 seconds for a “maximum checkout time,” that is, from the moment you request a charge from the card reader, it will hang for 180 seconds if no payment instrument is presented. However, it is recommended for the POS application to have its own timeout logic to make sure the POS stays in sync with the card reader and provides a seamless experience to the customer.
Recommended sequence for initializing card reader and polling for transaction result:
Step 1
Generate unique Idempotency key
(UUID) to be added in your request header
Step 2
Use an HTTP timeout window of 10 seconds if you do not get back a response
Step 3
Send the request again using the same Idempotency key
, this allows you to recover the request session and avoid sending a duplicate request
Step 4
Once you get an InstoreContext.Id
start polling against it to retrieve the transaction.Id and final transaction status
Step 5
Use an HTTP timeout window of 3 seconds if you do not get a response while polling against the InStoreContext.Id
Step 6
Cancelling a Charge
If you need to stop a transaction from being paid while the reader is activated and requesting payment, you can cancel the InStoreContext
. Cancelling an InStoreContext
places the reader back into idle mode and returns you to the PayPal-branded screensaver. It is important to note that canceling a charge is only possible when a payment instrument has not yet been presented to the card reader. After the card reader has been presented with payment, the only way to stop that would be with a reversal or refund of payment.
Note that if you request to cancel the InStoreContext
and the API returns a context status of "COMPLETE" that would indicate that the charge has already been processed. In this scenario, you should check the reader charge status again to get the transactionId
and perform a reversal or refund to cancel the charge.
*** As of August 2022, we have introduced a new API error code 96716, which occurs when you attempt to cancel a context ID that is already in a "PROCESSING" or "COMPLETE" state
Partial Authorizations
The Partial Auth feature has undergone a rebuild as of October 2023. The information below represents the new behavior and integration path.
Partial Authorizations refer to transactions where a card with limited available funds is used to complete a purchase, and the available funds are less than the amount to be collected. This can occur with a debit card or a prepaid gift card. For example, if a merchant wants to charge $100, and the customer presents a card with only $50 available. With a partial authorization, the available $50 would be authorized or charged, while the POS system would need to recognize that there is a remaining balance to tender of $50. The POS should generally handle this like a split tender once it is determined that a partial authorization has occurred.
The way for the POS to know that a partial authorization has occurred would be to parse out the statusReason
from the context ID node query, which would show as PARTIALLY_AUTHORIZED
. The context status will be returned as COMPLETE
In the Sandbox environment, you may test partial authorizations by using the "amount":"1004"
in your request.
Partial Authorization Enablement
There are 2 ways to enable partial authorization on your account. You may have your PayPal Solutions Engineer or Integration Engineer enable this feature on your account. Alternatively, you may pass an API flag to determine whether you want to allow partial authorizations on the particular transaction using the acceptPartialAuthorization
object. This API flag is a boolean ("true/false") variable that will override the Braintree account-level configuration. We recommend using this API flag if you would like to allow for partial authorization on some transactions and not others, or if you want more control of the enablement of this feature.
The Partial Authorization feature does need to be enabled on the Braintree gateway account if you are not passing the acceptPartialAuthorization
API flag. Please consult with your Solutions Engineer or Integration Engineer to enable it.
Refunding Your Customer
There are 3 ways of refunding your customer once a charge has been completed.
1) Performing a Referenced Refund:
To perform a referenced refund, you must have the transactionId
from the authorization that you are attempting to refund against. This results in a refund that is linked to the original authorization. Typically, this is the preferred refund method as it allows for easy accounting. It is important to note that referenced refunds can either be in full or of a partial amount of the original authorization; however, the refund amount can not exceed the full authorized amount.
Referenced Refund Example Sequence Diagram:
2) Using the Reversal API call
Sometimes, the POS might not know whether the original authorization has already been settled or not. In this scenario, it might be best to use a reversal call, which lets Braintree determine whether the transaction can be Voided or Refunded depending on the settlement status. For more details on how this works, follow this link and see the example below:
Reversal API Call Example Sequence Diagram:
3) Performing an Unreferenced Refund or "Blind Credit":
To perform an unreferenced refund, your customer must be present at the time of refund, and a payment instrument must be presented to the card reader. The resulting refund will not be linked to the original authorization, so this is typically not the preferred way of refunding due to accounting reasons. Here are some of the common use cases below:
Refunds to customers without a receipt (when original order cannot be found)
Refunds to customers whose original authorization occurred while on your previous payment solution
Refunds to an alternate payment instrument or tender type
Note that this feature requires approval to be enabled in the production environment and needs to be requested to be enabled by your Solutions Engineer or Integration Engineer in the sandbox environment
Once the refund is complete, you'll need to check the status of the context ID, similar to how this is done for a charge request. A status of "COMPLETE" indicates a successful refund.
Unreferenced Refund Example Sequence Diagram:
4) Reversing a Refund
If a refund was performed and you need to reverse that refund within the acceptable reversal window, you can use the reverseRefund mutation. Keep in mind that you would need to have saved the refundId
from the API response of the original refund attempt. See below example of a refund reversal. You will notice that the refundId
is a required variable input to perform the reversal.
Refund Reversal Example Sequence Diagram:
5) Using Auth Adjustments for partial reversals
There may be some use cases where you want to perform a partial reversal rather than fully reverse a payment. The example scenario is if a customer wants to return a single item that was part of a larger purchase, and the transaction may be in an authorized state (which would make a partial refund not possible). In this scenario, you may use the updateTransaction
API mutation to adjust the auth amount to the total purchase amount minus the partial reversal amount.
Receipt Data Handling
To maintain EMV compliance you may need to add additional data elements to be displayed on the receipt you offer your customers. The table below highlights the data elements that are mandatory for EMV compliance and other data elements that are optional. Be sure to include the mandatory data elements listed in the "GraphQL API Field" column when you check the reader charge status so that you can parse them from the API response.
EMV-compliant receipts are not enforced by PayPal/Braintree. We make all necessary data for compliance available through our API and highly suggest following EMV compliance rules. For more information about EMV-compliant receipts, see the EMVco website.
Please take a look at our EMV-compliant receipt reference page, including an explanation with an EMV-compliant data element as an overlay.
Data Element
Mandatory vs. Optional
GraphQL API Field
Merchant Name
The name of the merchant.
Merchant Address Details
The address details of the merchant.
Transaction Date and Time
The date and time of the transaction.
Merchant ID (MID)
The unique reference of the merchant.
Terminal ID (TID)
The unique reference of the terminal.
Transaction.paymentMethodSnapshot .origin.details.terminalId
Transaction Number
The unique reference number of the transaction.
Invoice Number
The unique reference number of the receipt.
Card Type
The name of the card issuer.
Account Number
The account number printed on the card. All digits except for last 4 must be truncated.
Application Preferred Name
The name of the application used to process the transaction (e.g. MasterCard).
Transaction.paymentMethodSnapshot .origin.details.applicationPreferredName
Application Identifier
The unique reference number of the EMV application used for the transaction.
Transaction.paymentMethodSnapshot .origin.details.applicationIdentifier
Approval Code
The authorization code received from the processor for the transaction.
Authorization Mode
The authorizing entity (e.g. Issuer).
Transaction.paymentMethodSnapshot .origin.details.authorizationMode
Transaction Kind
The type of the transaction (e.g. Sale/Refund).
Card Entry Method
The method used to read the detail of the card (e.g. Chip).
Purchase Details
A brief description of the purchased goods or services along with their prices.
Transaction.lineItems* * - If not provided in the authorize/charge request, then these details must be provided by the merchant.
Transaction Amount
The grand total amount for the transaction.
If specified, the currency that the transaction was processed in. If no currency is identified on the receipt, the transaction is deemed to have taken place in the currency that is legal tender at the point of sale.
PIN Verify Statement
The cardholder’s PIN verification status specific to the processed transaction (e.g. Verified).
Return and Refund Policies
The terms and conditions for return and refund set forth by the merchant.
Merchant or POS generated message that indicates return policy
The following are data elements that are mandatory for transactions that were declined:
Decline Code
The system generated decline code for the declined transaction.
Decline Message
The merchant generated message for the respective decline code.
Merchant or POS generated message that reflects the decline code
The following are data elements that are mandatory for transactions that were EMV chip declined:
Terminal Verification Results
A series of bits set by the terminal upon reading EMV card data, where each bit represents information about the transaction. This value is contained in the response EMV data under tag 95.
Issuer Authentication Data
Issuer provided data received in response to an online authorization request to be delivered to the EMV chip card. This value is contained in the response EMV data under tag 91.
Authorization Response Code
The 4-character code generated by the Issuer in response to an online authorization request that represents the authorization status of the transaction. This value is contained in the response EMV data under tag 8A.
Manual Key Entry Transactions
There are some use cases in which you may want to support the processing of a transaction without using the card reader by entering in the card details into another application UI. This could be for over-the-phone orders (MOTO) or as a manual key entry (MKE) fallback for when the card is not readable by the card reader, in which case you may want to enter the card details into the POS UI. To facilitate this while keeping your tech stack outside of PCI scope, we have a couple of solutions that can work for you.
1) Braintree Hosted Fields
The Braintree Hosted Fields enables you to render Braintree encrypted input fields in your application user interface. This allows for the manual key entry of card details directly into Braintree encrypted input fields. See how the Braintree Hosted Fields solution works.
The Braintree Hosted Fields solution gives you more control over the checkout flow and the flexibility to blend the encrypted fields into your POS UI
2) Braintree Drop-in UI
The Braintree drop-in UI allows you to render Braintree encrypted forms in your application user interface. This would allow for the manual key entry of the card details directly into the Braintree Encrypted fields. The drop-in UI is a simple integration leveraging pre-built dynamic Braintree containers. See how the Braintree Drop-in UI solution works.
The drop in UI allows for a simpler integration but reduced control over the look and feel of the UI and checkout flow experience
Important Tips for building out your charge/refund flows
Use Idempotency Keys to prevent duplicate charges to your customers
Align your application with our recommended timeout logic
Make sure you are parsing key EMV receipt data from your API response to populate on your customer receipts for EMV compliance
Utilize the orderId API field to pass important data for reporting and reconciliation
Last updated
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