
The GraphQL API behaves the same for both partners and merchants, however, there are some considerations that should be made by partners. This section discusses those partner specific considerations.

Who is considered a Partner?

Partners are generally software providers who integrate Braintree into their software to provide a bundled solution to many different merchants. These partners are usually Point of Sale software companies, Order Management, Call Center or Ecommerce software providers, but there can be many types of different partners who may want to explore offering Braintree as an integrated offering. For more info on the types of partner models available or to determine whether this solution would be a good fit, please reach out to the PayPal/Braintree sales team.

API Key Management

For partners who are building an integration to be used for multiple merchants you must consider how the API keys are made to be configurable on a per merchant basis. For example, when using basic authentication every merchant will have their own set of API keys unique to their Braintree Gateway Account.

Account Structure

Braintree offers multiple account structure models to our merchants which can impact their deposits, report generation, user management, and other aspects of their solution with Braintree. For these reasons we recommend integrating using a flexible account hierarchy which can meet the needs of any merchant using your integrated solution. Knowing that every software application has its own architecture please discuss this with your Solutions Engineer.

Partner Tracking/Audit

Official PayPal partners are required to pass in a partner BN code which is a partnership identifier that allows us to track merchants and volume over the partner integration. Please discuss the passing of this data with your Solutions Engineer as you design your integration.

Since partner solutions are designed to work with many different merchants, there are some additional API calls which are recommended to create a scalable and easy to maintain solution. Please take a look at the below table for more information:

The below recommendations are meant to be in addition to the basic charge and refund API calls needed to perform MVP functionality. Also, take a look at our high level functionality summary to see what else our API can do

Last updated