Support/Contact Us

We have multiple teams available to support various types of issues whether in Sandbox or Production, please read this page to determine who can help and what information they will need.

What information should you provide?

When reaching out to the PayPal support team regarding an issue with your hardware or integration it is important that you gather the right information so that our support teams can effectively troubleshoot and help remedy. See below examples of the information needed to troubleshoot various types of issues. Not every problem is the same so please determine what is relevant according to the issue you are experiencing.

For Hardware Issues:

  • Serial # of the card reader experiencing issues

  • Detailed description of what is happening on the reader

  • Pictures or videos of the reader experiencing the issue

  • Outlined steps to reproduce the issue (if possible)

  • Verifone model # (ie. P400 or E285)

  • The network set up of the device (ie. ethernet or WiFi connectivity)

  • Sandbox or Production environment?

For Software / API Integration Issues:

  • requestId of the API request being used when the issue occurs

  • Timestamp of when the request was sent

  • Raw API request/response (if available)

  • Detailed description of the issue, what is happening on the reader and what is happening with the API interaction

  • Screenshots of the API error or picture of error on the card reader screen (if applicable)

  • Outlined steps to reproduce the issue (if possible)

  • The gateway ID (public ID) of your Braintree Account

  • Sandbox or Production environment?

The more relevant information provided upfront, the quicker your troubleshooting experience will be!

For Issues with your Sandbox Environment

Please reach out to your PayPal/Braintree integration team for troubleshooting and feel free to use the general sandbox support email address below:

Contact us at

For Issues with your Production Hardware

First, please reach out to your internal IT help desk first and then escalate to the PayPal/Braintree hardware support team as needed at, this email address can be used for:

  • Production card reader hardware replacement requests

  • Production card reader hardware troubleshooting

For General Issues in your Production Environment

Please reach out to your assigned Customer Success Manager as they can help route the request to the appropriate support team within PayPal.

Last updated